MethylPro Blog

  • L-Methylfolate vs Folic Acid

    L-Methylfolate vs Folic Acid

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Are you debating which supplement to purchase? L-Methylfolate vs folic acid? Or wondering why supplements containing l-methylfolate (vs folic acid) carry a much higher price tag? We’ve got the answers you’re looking for. First, what is folate? Vitamin B-9 is a water-soluble, essential nutrient which occurs naturally as “folate”. However, folate…

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  • Understanding L-Methylfolate and Its Benefits: A Comprehensive Guide

    Understanding L-Methylfolate and Its Benefits: A Comprehensive Guide

    Reading Time: 4 minutes There are so many products available in the realm of nutritional supplements, but MethylPro® has formed our whole company around the benefits of one nutrient in particular: L-Methylfolate. If you’ve been wondering, “What is L-Methylfolate?” and how it differs from standard folic acid, this article will shed light on this essential…

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  • Interpreting MTHFR Gene Testing Results 

    Interpreting MTHFR Gene Testing Results 

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Do You Have Genetic Variations Affecting Folate Processing? As personal genomics services like 23andMe become more popular, many individuals are discovering insights into their genetic makeup that can influence their health and wellness. One key area of interest is understanding how genetic variations might affect your ability to process folate, a…

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  • Vitamin D and Mood: An Essential Connection for Mental Well-being

    Vitamin D and Mood: An Essential Connection for Mental Well-being

    Reading Time: 3 minutes In recent years, the importance of vitamin D has become increasingly recognized in the world of health and wellness. Often referred to as the “sunshine vitamin,” vitamin D is crucial not just for bone health but also for mental well-being. This vital nutrient plays a significant role in mood regulation, and…

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  • Ashwagandha for Stress: Boost Mood and Sleep with MethylPro®’s Ashwagandha Complex and L-Methylfolate

    Ashwagandha for Stress: Boost Mood and Sleep with MethylPro®’s Ashwagandha Complex and L-Methylfolate

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Managing stress and maintaining a balanced mood in today’s fast-paced world is more important than ever. Nutritional supplements can offer science-backed support for mental well-being and better quality sleep. Among these, ashwagandha and L-methylfolate stand out for their impressive benefits.  At MethylPro®, we’ve developed Ashwagandha Complex that includes L-theanine and magnesium,…

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  • Ashwagandha and L-Theanine Benefits: Mood and Sleep Support From MethylPro®’s New Supplement

    Ashwagandha and L-Theanine Benefits: Mood and Sleep Support From MethylPro®’s New Supplement

    Reading Time: 3 minutes In the pursuit of better mental well-being and sleep quality, many people are seeking solutions that are both powerful and plant-based. Among these, ashwagandha stands out for its well-documented benefits for mitigating stress and enhancing mood. MethylPro®’s new Ashwagandha Complex combines this useful plant extract with L-theanine and magnesium, for optimal…

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  • Combining L-Methylfolate with Vitamin D3 Supplements

    Combining L-Methylfolate with Vitamin D3 Supplements

    Reading Time: 3 minutes When the potential benefits of two elements working together is greater than each working alone, you have true synergy. In the world of nutritional supplements, one such powerful combination is vitamin D and L-methylfolate [1]. These two essential vitamins work together to support various bodily functions, from boosting mood and brain…

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  • The Benefits of L-Theanine Supplements: Elevate Mood, Brain Health, Sleep, and Mental Well-being

    The Benefits of L-Theanine Supplements: Elevate Mood, Brain Health, Sleep, and Mental Well-being

    Reading Time: 3 minutes As part of our commitment to providing top-quality supplements for holistic wellness, MethylPro® is excited to announce the upcoming launch of our new L-Theanine supplements. This potent amino acid is found naturally in green tea. It offers a range of benefits that can enhance mood, brain health, sleep quality, and overall…

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  • The Complementary Benefits of L-Theanine and L-Methylfolate 

    The Complementary Benefits of L-Theanine and L-Methylfolate 

    Reading Time: 3 minutes At MethylPro®, we are committed to providing high-quality supplements that support holistic health and wellness. When it comes to our new L-Theanine supplement, we want to highlight the complementary benefits of incorporating L-Theanine into your L-Methylfolate supplementation regimen. Together, these two powerful nutrients can enhance your mood, cognitive function, and overall…

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  • Adding a Magnesium Glycinate Supplement to Your L-Methylfolate Regimen

    Adding a Magnesium Glycinate Supplement to Your L-Methylfolate Regimen

    Reading Time: 3 minutes MethylPro® is committed to the pursuit of holistic wellness through functional medicine. We recognize that a magnesium glycinate supplement is a powerful aid with a plethora of benefits to the mind and body, including its role in relaxation, sleep, and a balanced mood. As such, we are proud to announce the…

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  • Benefits of Magnesium Glycinate

    Benefits of Magnesium Glycinate

    Reading Time: 3 minutes We offer magnesium supplements in many forms, but magnesium glycinate stands out as a superstar. This highly bioavailable form of magnesium is celebrated for its myriad of health benefits and minimal side effects [1,2]. We have 7 excellent reasons to consider a magnesium glycinate supplement that we’d like to share. Do…

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  • Omega-3 Benefits for Brain Function and Mood

    Omega-3 Benefits for Brain Function and Mood

    Reading Time: 3 minutes In the world of holistic wellness and functional medicine, understanding omega-3 benefits is crucial for enhancing brain function and mood regulation. Omega-3 fatty acids, have been extensively studied for their significant impact on cognitive health and emotional well-being. This post explores the science behind omega-3 supplements and their profound benefits for…

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