Overmethylation: Signs and Solutions

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Is There Such a Thing as “Overmethylating?”

The short answer is “yes, overmethylation (or ‘hypermethylation’) happens”. Of course, the explanation is multifaceted.

The process of methylation plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, including mental wellness. In our small corner of the supplement world, we … Read more

When Will My L-Methylfolate Start Working?

Reading Time: 6 minutes

You’ve decided to start supplementing with l-methylfolate. Maybe you’ve heard of its mood-boosting capabilities, or you have high homocysteine, or you have been diagnosed with an MTHFR mutation, or perhaps you’re pregnant and understand the critical nature of folate during fetal development. Whatever the reason, now … Read more

MTHFR and Your Heart

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Unraveling the Connection Between MTHFR Mutation and Cardiovascular Health

Thanks to decades of DNA research, we know there is an intricate relationship between our genetics and our health. MTHFR is just one specific example of a gene with potential impact on numerous systems throughout the body. … Read more

What is MTHFR?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

When a baby is conceived, they inherit 2 copies of every gene; one from each parent. MTHFR is the name of one such gene out of a genetic code of thousands. The gene codes for an enzyme called “methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase”, which is responsible for the conversion … Read more

Which MethylPro Formula is Right for Me?

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Once you and your trusted health care professional have decided that supplementing with L-methylfolate is right for you, the next step is deciding on a dose and MethylPro formula. At MethylPro, we offer:

  • L-Methylfolate as a standalone product in six different levels of dosage (1, 2.5,
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The Hard Truth About Folate and Alcohol

Reading Time: 3 minutes

At least two-thirds of American adults consume alcohol and about 5% suffer from chronic alcohol addiction [1]. There is, of course, a vast spectrum of consumption, and as each of us has a unique body and metabolism, the line between use and abuse may look different … Read more

How to Stop Feeling Tired All the Time

Reading Time: 9 minutes

So, you want to know how to stop feeling tired all the time? First, let’s talk about why you are tired. Then we’ve got suggestions for some natural energy boosters. 

When your mood is low, your energy levels often follow. Some of this may be psychological, … Read more

Why are Vitamins Important?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

If you’re scrolling through natural health posts on social media or internet blogs, you may have noticed a hot debate topic these days seems to be: why are vitamins important? Do we really need supplemental vitamins and minerals when we think we’re eating a clean and … Read more

Blood Sugar Regulation for a Balanced Mood

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Not all mood swings are related to blood sugar fluctuations. But, most blood sugar fluctuations will have an effect on your mood. So, whether you have a diagnosis or just a shifting, negative mood, it may be worth considering your nutrition and eating habits. If … Read more

Best Diet for Energy & Mood

Reading Time: 7 minutes

Just like you can’t drive a car without fuel, your body needs fuel to function. Not just about physically, but mentally too. Instead of gasoline, however, what gives us energy is certain nutrients from the diet. Nutrients can give us energy either as a substrate converted … Read more