When Will My L-Methylfolate Start Working?

Reading Time: 6 minutes

You’ve decided to start supplementing with l-methylfolate. Maybe you’ve heard of its mood-boosting capabilities, or you have high homocysteine, or you have been diagnosed with an MTHFR mutation, or perhaps you’re pregnant and understand the critical nature of folate during fetal development. Whatever the reason, now … Read more

The Hard Truth About Folate and Alcohol

Reading Time: 3 minutes

At least two-thirds of American adults consume alcohol and about 5% suffer from chronic alcohol addiction [1]. There is, of course, a vast spectrum of consumption, and as each of us has a unique body and metabolism, the line between use and abuse may look different … Read more

MTHFR, Stress, and Methylation

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Is it just us, or does life feel like a treadmill of stress sometimes? Stress affects individuals differently. If you are someone living with a methylation-associated genetic difference, like mthfr, stress may have a more noticeable effect, due to methylation differences.

Pressure at work or loss … Read more

What Foods are High in Folate?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Folate is an essential nutrient, meaning it must be consumed from the diet. But what foods are high in folate?

It can be found naturally in some foods (such as spinach, asparagus, beans, and citrus fruits) and in fortified foods that contain the synthetic form of … Read more